Sundari Silks
Sundari Silks in T Nagar, established in 1998, is a prominent silk store in Chennai known for comprehending shifting trends and old traditions while offering a wide range of clothing. As a response to the versatility of the collection offered by the store, the design aimed to capture traditional elements and integrate them into a contemporary context. The store, rooted in tradition, features a central internal courtyard with timber pillars that reminds of the traditional Chettinad houses. The display areas are planned around the central courtyard with plenty of room between them.

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A range of different shelving solutions is given to accommodate the various clothing, materials, and other goods offered in the store. The traditional Chettinad theme is maintained through the interiors, with plain white walls contrasting with the small-sized green Athangudi tiles that cover the floor of this charming textile shop. Simple spotlights adorn the plain false ceiling to distribute light evenly and not dominate the products on displays. Thus, with its high ceiling, abundant circulation space and internal courtyard, Sundari silks in Chennai is designed to flaunt its south Indian character.