Post-disaster Housing and the Role of Architects - A Case Study
December 31, 2012 at 6:30:00 PM
This case study on Benny Kuriakose’s Post Disaster Reconstruction Project in Tarangambadi village, published as part of the I-Rec Conference, is a research paper on the correlation between post-disaster housing and the role of architects in disaster management in South India by Gertrud Tauber at TU Darmsdart, Germany. This research examines three housing projects implemented by local NGOs and planned by local architects after the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 in rural South India (Tamil Nadu and the Union Territory of Puducherry).
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Five phases of each project are studied by juxtaposing what and how things were done by the architect along with the results obtained in the each village. After the research it points out the successful outcome of the post-tsunami reconstruction of houses in Tarangambadi village designed by Benny Kuriakose and the users' reactions to their new homes. The study is concluded by saying that “However, as shown in this paper, key to this is, among other considerations, a strategic interplay of various roles and responsibilities during the course of an intricate process and not, necessarily, the appointment of an architect.” Read the case study here to find out more!