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Solutions in A Sea of Problems - The New Indian Express

June 8, 2023 at 6:30:00 AM

The Indian Express, the coveted national news media outlet published an article in 'The
Chennai Express' and its website New Indian Express featuring Dr Benny Kuriakose on
June 8th, 2023. The article talks about the ongoing flood crisis in Chennai and
interesting measures that can be taken to combat the overflowing of water. It also
details a personal experience of the designer during the heavy November downpour of
2022 in Chennai. The conservation specialist who has quickly become one of the most
prolific and sought after design consultant in the topic of indigenous architecture also
touches on the sustainable planning concept of ‘The Room for The River’ implemented
by the Dutch. The article briefs on the aftermath of Pallikaranai marsh which has shrunk
to almost one-tenth of its size over the decades.

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In conversation with Jacob B Jacob the designer ponders what is to happen to the
streets of chennai as the sea level is rising. He says “It’s time to act. Several low-lying
areas could be spotted across Chennai and other cities. Climate change is only making
flooding worse. If we do not act now, the landmass will soon be below the flood level.
Low-lying areas and floodplains must be elevated,” The article details on why it is
important to act fast with floods becoming an annual thing in Chennai.
Read more on why rain water harvesting is a must in every household and how the
creation of Ponds and Lakes is needed to combat the overflow of water during the
monsoon season. The article concludes with recollection of the post-disaster
rehabilitation project carried out by Dr Benny Kuriakose in the tsunami-ravaged villages
of Tharangambadi in 2004.

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Architectural Designers & Conservation Consultants

Flat F, Third Floor, Springwood Apartments, No.6, Ranjith Road Kotturpuram, Chennai 600085.

Ph: +91 9092115815 / +91 91764 57328

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