Kerala Flood Manual In English
October 31, 2018 at 6:30:00 PM
The south Indian state of Kerala witnessed one of the worst floods in its history starting from the 8th of August, 2018. Unusually high rainfalls during the monsoonal season is commonly cited as the main reason for the startling calamitous situation.
Though the southern-most state was able to manage well the highly destructive calamity, the cost, both tangible and intangible, the people of the state had to pay was very high. Housing is one of the most severely affected fields in many such tragic occasions; several people are left misplaced and homeless.
In the wake of the calamity, Benny Kuriakose prepared a handbook or a flood manual (in English) containing schematic sketches and instructions for the disaster reconstruction work then underway. This "Kerala Flood Manual" provides comprehensive guidance and directions for the engineers and other experts involved in the flood rehabilitation and reconstruction work.
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The manual is expected to give an insight on how to conduct retrofitting of the damaged buildings so that they can resist future disasters as well. It even includes guidelines for the planning of the new buildings to be constructed in food-prone areas. Benny's expertise in designing villages for damaged areas during the Lathur earthquake, Bhuj earthquake, and tsunami in 2004 has been incorporated into this guidebook.