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Restoration of Cheraman Mosque by Benny Kuriakose

July 15, 2020 at 6:30:00 PM

The video shows the proposal for the restoration of the Cheraman Mosque being done by Benny Kuriakose. It displays the rendered representations of the Cheraman Juma Masjid, which is being conserved as part of the Muziris Heritage Project Benny Kuriakose has proposed a plan for the Cheraman Juma Masjid's preservation and repair.

The Cheraman Juma Masjid is said to be India's oldest mosque and has significant historical and heritage significance. It is said to have been constructed at Kodungallur, Kerala, under Cheraman Perumal's instructions. This initiative aims to restore the historic mosque to its original condition while also giving believers plenty of spaceto pray. The proposed renovation of Cheraman Juma Masjid includes a basement floorto accommodate the requirement for additional space for the believers.

The Muziris has recovered its former splendour as a historic spice route that explores the port city's multicultural character and has grown into a well-liked tourist destination as a consequence of the ongoing sustainable restoration effort. This core idea of the Muziris Project is confirmed by the Cheraman Masjid's long history and intriguing tale of Kerala's diverse civilisation.

Heritage and historic resource preservation is a green strategy that aids in the formulation of economically and environmentally sound decisions that result in sustainable development. The oldest mosque in India should be preserved in order to preserve its rich cultural and architectural legacy for future generations.

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